
Risk Management in Building Construction

OHS Risk Management

Before a conversation on facility design and elevations in both worker and user experience can even start, the foundation for viable facility management begins over risk management in building construction, making sure that operations and tasks can be pursued in the first place without their threat to tenant or worker wellbeing.

What are the components that typically form OHS Risk Management?

Prone to societal and environmental adaptations to health across industries, making sure that your construction process - and its maintenance in building use afterwards - appropriately considers occupational health and safety is critical for safe productivity to ever be the modus operandi of a given facility.

Forming the backbone of safe practice and ethical work in legislature, the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 2004 - extended by its succeeding rulings and Regulations in 2017 - covers the legal groundwork of appropriate oversight and supervision of safety in work environments, and the compliance of risk management in building construction to adhere to these legislations as a moral compass for safe use.

Features in OHS risk management we provide at Connect Facilities include:

  • Provision of accurate training and supervision for employees and facility inhabitants for the purposes of their work to be performed without risk to health, as stipulated under Section 20(2e) of the OHS Act 
  • Supply and authorisation of work permits in the case of high octane work with the potential for harm to health, as stipulated under Section 42(a) of the OHS Act
  • Adherence of contractors to the same legislations of safe work and use, as mentioned under Section 21(3b)
  • Management of potential risk hazards with the capacity to harm workers and inhabitants, under Section 21(1).
  • General support and aid of staff and personnel in the work process

Spanning building management, concierge services, security management or even our approaches to sustainability, establishing the means to conduct safe work is always our foremost priority, for the provision of facility management designed to maximise on living and work environments.